RSS feeds have been lurking in the shadows of the internet for nearly 20 years. Only now are they beginning to become popular and see a boost in usage. And it is about time, because they truly do make using the internet that much easier, as if that were even possible.
The RSS feed meaning is a feed from a specific site using the Really Simple Syndication format. When you get RSS feeds, you subscribe to content from a site that is collected into your RSS reader. You can subscribe to any number of sites that offer the service, which are almost all of them, and then never need to go to that site for their newer content. Most RSS readers update on a regular schedule so, as long as your reader is connected to the internet, you can be sure to get the latest content from all of your subscribed sites.
If you are interested in RSS feeds, but do not have enough sites collected to really make it worth the time invested into finding a reader, you can find a list of RSS feeds in two different places. Most RSS readers have lists built right in, making your subscribing and viewing procedures a one stop shop. There you can search for a specific provider of feeds, sort by genre, topic or producer, and then subscribe right from the list. It is one of the more convenient ways to subscribe to RSS feeds.
The other option is finding a list, or lists, online. You can search and find a specific type, such as a news RSS feeds list. Or simply look up a general, all encompassing list. That list should be broken into categories, but will have much more variety to offer. No single list has all of the RSS feeds on the internet, however, so do your best to look around at multiple lists to get a broader view of what you can find.
If you like the ease of the internet, you will like the RSS feed meaning. It means you never need to open dozens of tabs just to get all of your updates ever again. Instead, opening just one browser or program will grant you access to absolutely everything, up to date and ready to be read.