Are You Getting the Latest News Online? Three Popular Options for RSS

Did you know that over the last decade, news consumption has increased thanks to internet and mobile news? Like many people, you may be searching for new and alternative ways to access news online via your computer, smartphone or tablet. For this, there are RSS news feeds. All you need to do is sign up for an RSS reader such as Digg or The Old Reader, and you can start getting the latest updates from multiple news sites all in one place. Here are some of the top RSS feeds people are subscribing to for news.

1. CNN News Feeds

CNN offers up multiple options for news feeds that readers can follow. You can subscribe to top stories, or you can add updates for world, technology, business, entertainment, and more. The specialized nature of CNN RSS makes it easy to follow the news you want to know. Something showing up on CNN RSS feeds right now? An intriguing article in the U.S. section discusses how Sergio Garcia, an undocumented immigrant, has passed the California bar exam, and wants to practice law.

2. Fox News Feed

Need a more conservative cup of tea to start your morning? Add RSS feeds by Fox News to get the updates you need. Similarly to CNN and most large media sites, Fox has multiple feeds that deliver information on everything from sports to politics. You can also RSS subscribe to their latest blogs. What’s the buzz on Fox RSS feeds right now? One popular post in the Science section is about how nine venomous, endangered vipers have been born in the St. Louis Zoo. These snakes are so rare that until 1983, they were thought to have been extinct for almost 150 years.

3. Reuters RSS Feed

If you are looking for a large, daily delivery of articles, Reuters might be the RSS feed you add, since it is an international news agency that syndicates its content. It has RSS feeds ranging from business to arts and everything in between. Right now, one of the latest articles in the business RSS reveals that the largest U.S. bank, JP Morgan, has decided to stop offering student loans this October. At the end of June, their student loan portfolio held $11 billion, which overall accounts for less than .5% of their total assets. The bank decided that it was a market they were unlikely to see much growth in.

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