Use an RSS Feed to Retain Visitors to Your Site!

As many people know, the best way to boost search engine optimization is to publish fresh, relevant, engaging content, but what many folks don’t know is that an RSS feed reader for websites can help get this content in front of more readers!

The technical definition for RSS is Rich Site Summary, but most people know it as Really Simple Syndication, because that is exactly what an RSS feed reader for websites does. It simply supplies simultaneous publication for a number of content pieces. They allow your site’s visitors to get instant access to the content that they want to read, without having to frequently check back to your site and wade through stories that are irrelevant to them.

RSS feeds work very simply. Basically, you submit simple text files to a directory, which will allow users to see it when it’s published. All your readers have to do is link their news feed widget, also known as news feed aggregators.

Using simple RSS feed software, you too can drive up traffic to your site using an RSS feed reader for websites. It’s a great, free service that you can offer your readers to help improve retention rates. After all, you do want your readers to keep coming back, don’t you?

If you have any questions about RSS feeds, feel free to ask in the comments! What are some of the RSS feeds that you follow? Do you have an RSS feed reader for websites on your own blog, or site? Comment about your experience!